It may indicate if you used cash or a credit card. And there is the contact number of the vendor, too. When you pay, you are actually making a confirmation of the information of the purchase, the item that you have paid, the name of the cashier attending to the purchase, the time of the purchase, the name of the store, the name of the store owner or operator, the number of the goods you have purchased, the discounts, the tax. We have mentioned earlier that a receipt is a proof that someone has paid for something that he bought.
Receipts protect both the seller and the buyer. And while it may be dispensable, every citizen, every buyer should put into practice the keeping of receipt in every purchase. In fact you can see a lot of people just leave their receipts when buying something from a convenience store. On the part of the buyer, he may or he may not receive the receipt. If you want your business to be legitimate, or legal, you should have an official receipt as part of running your registered business enterprise.īuyer. These days in a bureaucratic world where everything, every move, and literally every single thing is documented, bureaucraticized, the use of receipt has become a standard.
Buying without the use of a receipt is possible, especially in the old days.